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Live on the Internet the World Chess Challenge match between Veselin Topalov and Gata Kamsky

The live broadcast on the Internet of the first game from the match between Veselin Topalov and Gata Kamski began at 3.00 pm today on the official website of the event The two grandmasters should play 8 games until 28th February. Their match will determine who is to challenge the reigning World Champion Vishwanathan Anand (India) for the title at the end of this year.

EVOLINK became a traditional partner of the Bulgarian Chess Federation but the highlight of this match was the live broadcast on the Internet of high-resolution video of the actual play between the two world grandmasters.

EVOLINK reported an enormous interest from all over the world. The traffic during the most interesting part of the game between Veselin Topalov and Gata Kamsky reached 1 Gig and more than 4000 simultaneous users. Due to the enormous interest for the live broadcast of the following games EVOLINK shall install additional streaming hardware platforms and provide at least twice as much Internet capacity.

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